Thursday, July 30, 2020

CYBERCRIME AWARENESS | Vigilant Against Risk of Cyber Crime

CYBERCRIME AWARENESS | Vigilant Against Risk of Cyber Crime

As the cyber world gets bigger, so does the security problem. The cyber world is becoming a necessity for people in modern times, but the fears associated with it do not diminish.

Recently, the Twitter accounts of many big politicians, tech companies, CEOs of big companies were hacked by hackers. Those whose Twitter accounts were hacked include former US President Barack Obama, former US Vice President and Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden, founder of the most powerful software company Microsoft Billgates, businessman Elon Musk and companies such as Apple and Uber. The hackers used the Twitter accounts of celebrities to try to carry out a big bitcoin scam.

As well as appealing to people to donate bitcoin through these celebrities. This was a big scam aimed at misleading Twitter users and grabbing large sums of money. The hackers posted a message through the Twitter accounts of big celebrities that they want to do social work and and for that, those who will send money via Bitcoin in 30 minutes. They will get double the amount back.

Bitcoin is a kind of digital currency. Which is not in the form of coins and currency notes but is an electronic currency. Such digital currency transactions have also been approved in many countries. Although many financial institutions and agencies have warned of the proliferation of illegal activities by Bitcoin, many still call Bitcoin digital gold. Since Bitcoin is not the official currency of any country, it is not controlled by the government. Which is why there is no tax on Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a completely secret currency and can be kept hidden from the government. Not only that, it can be bought or sold anywhere in the world.

Even before this, the post of doubling money through Bitcoin has been coming up on social media. This is the first time that messages have been posted by hacking the Twitter accounts of celebrities and companies to carry out such scams.

CYBERCRIME AWARENESS | Vigilant Against Risk of Cyber Crime

According to experts, this is the biggest cyber attack in recent times. However, the company's timeliness prevented people from falling victim to the scam. But before the hacking could be uncovered, one million ten thousand dollars worth of bitcoins had reached the hackers' accounts. So the damage is not so big because the amount is not too big considering the big celebrities the hackers targeted. It is also being denied that the hackers did not intend to make money but something else. It has often happened that hackers resort to such tactics to frustrate the security system and to show their cleverness.

This time the hacking of the Twitter account may also be on the angle of the US presidential election. The US presidential election is coming up later this year. Many experts are saying that this time the US election is to be fought on Twitter. The role of social media is going to be the most important in this election. People are avoiding leaving their homes because of the corona. In such times social media has become very important.

Twitter itself has admitted that the tool used by hackers in this case is part of the company's internal system. This also means that there may be someone inside the company who has helped the hackers. This type of hacking is called social engineering in America. In our country, social engineering is referred to as racial politics but in America it is linked to cyber security. Innovative techniques are tried to change a person's thoughts or to influence him psychologically. This makes it easy to resort to social media.

It also happens that the true facts in this case do not even come out. It is impossible to get hold of transactions in digital currencies like Bitcoin. This act of hacking has shaken people's confidence in cyber security. If the Twitter accounts of people like Barack Obama and Bill Gates are not secure, it is not difficult to predict the safety of ordinary people.

In fact, despite the rise of digital transactions today, people are not aware of cyber security. It is estimated that cybercrime causes $2.5 million losses per minute worldwide. According to 2017 statistics, 780,000 documents were falsified or stolen daily in the cyber world. It's not that cyber security agencies can do nothing.

CYBERCRIME AWARENESS | Vigilant Against Risk of Cyber Crime

About 24,000 suspicious apps are blocked daily from millions of different apps. This figure is negligible. Cyber ​​crime caused a loss of Rs 3,000 billion in 2015 and is projected to reach Rs 6,000 billion in 2021. At a time when the cyber world is expanding, security measures need to be developed. The total number of passwords worldwide will exceed 300 billion this year. Keeping this number safe will be a challenging situation in the future.

Hacking of social media accounts is mostly done by stealing passwords. Cyber ​​world tricksters know which key to unlock a password. That is why it is not difficult for them to guess a simple password. More than 21 percent of files in the cyber world are insecure, meaning there is no lock on them. It also takes companies the next three months to realize any data or file theft. If this is the case with modern companies, it is natural that ordinary people will not even realize that data or file theft has taken place.

The whole world is going digital. Stopping cyber crime and data theft is not easy. Even IT companies in many countries claiming ethics do not hesitate to steal their competitors' data. Indeed, for today's time, it has become necessary to create an integral shield for cyber security.

We hope you find the article very helpful for your internet security. You can also take the following items to protect your internet and avoid cyber crime. (Click Below Link)

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

FITNESS TIPS : 5 Easy Way to Weight Lose and Get Rid of Belly Fat.

At the present time most people are troubled by Heavy weight Body and lower belly Fat. Now a days the way of routine work of people has changed. The body does not get any kind of exercise by sitting all day. Due to which people become victims of fat body. Obesity in people increases so much that their waist fat starts increasing rapidly. At one point it becomes so much that you feel ashamed to even get out of the house and meet people.

Along with weight lose; there are many ways to reduce belly fat. In this article we will tell you about the ways that people can fit and slim their waist by yoga, Daily exercise, Diet, Meditation.

1) Yoga Practice
2) Daily Exercise
3) Important points for DIET

1) Yoga Practice:

You can get rid of back fat by doing these three yogas regularly to stay healthy. This not only makes waist fat worse, but it can also cause a lot of problems for you. Yoga therapy can prove to be the same for every health related problem. Here we will talk to you about Yogasan. By practicing this every day, you will be able to reduce the fat as well as reduce the weight.

-::- Halasan

Abdominal fat can be removed by daily exercise. Daily weight gain can also be the cause of many diseases. In this case, you can reduce your weight and abdominal fat by doing HALASAN every morning. Performing Halasan causes a stretch in the stomach and lumbar muscles. So by doing regular Halasan you can get rid of gas and constipation problem.

Method of Halasan :

  • Place your back on the ground and keep your arms straight with the body.
  • Slowly bend the knees, move the legs upwards and then, while exhaling, move the legs backwards. Try to touch the ground with the toes.
  • Stay in this position for about a minute, then slowly return to the original position.

-::- Chakrasana

Chakrasana is an important easy remedy to reduce belly fat. With Chakrasana, you can easily reduce the fat of the abdomen and build a thin and fit waist. Regular practice of chakrasana can also cure back pain, which is why chakrasana is also called an important yogasana.

Method of chakrasana

  • First of all, place your back on the ground and sleep.
  • Now bend the legs on both knees and lift them upwards.
  • Attach the soles of the feet to the ground.
  • Keep a distance of one and a half feet between the two legs.
  • Move both hands behind the head and place the palms of both hands on the ground.
  • Keep a distance of one and a half feet between both the palms.
  • With the help of legs and arms, lift the waist, abdomen and chest upwards.
  • Hold your breath while moving your body upwards.
  • Try to stay in this posture for a while.
  • Now bring the body down again and go to sleep as before.

-::- Parshvakonasana

This can be very beneficial for easy abdominal and waist fat loss. The lateral posture is made in the body in the lateral angle. By practicing this easy routine, one can easily get rid of belly fat and increased weight.

Method of Parshvakonasana 

  • Stand upright and make a distance of about 2 feet between the two legs.
  • Now move the right leg backwards and stand with both feet parallel.
  • Hold your breath and touch the left hand with the claw of the left foot.
  • Raise the right hand upwards.
  • Remain in this posture for 30 seconds.
  • While exhaling, do this asana on the right side.

You can used to Yoga Books, Diet & Nutrition items and Yoga Accessories to exercise for weight lose and rid of belly fat well. Here, I would recommend some better books and products for Exercise. The ones you can buy for yourself. (Click Below Link)

2) Daily Exercise :

 -::- Plank Exercise

Planck exercise not only reduces abdominal fat, but also strengthens the stomach muscles. Do at least 45 second Planck exercises daily. This will reduce lower belly fat within a few months. You can do this exercise anywhere. Put the weight of the body on the toes and elbows, and then after staying in this position for some time, it becomes normal.
Bending Side To Side - Bending Side To Side
This exercise is easy, but useful, to reduce belly fat. Stand apart with feet apart, arms facing towards the edge. As far as possible bend your body to the right, you should feel tension in your left back. At this time your right hand should be on the right hip. Stay 15 seconds in this position. Now repeat the same process from left side.

-::- Jackknife Sit Up :

Just 30 seconds per day of Jack Knife Sit Up Exercise will reduce your abdominal fat within a month. To do this exercise, lie flat on the bail. After this, raise the legs upwards and then try to touch the feet with hands while lifting the front part of the body upwards.

-::-  Leg Raises :

This exercise is good for your lower belly as well as your side oblique. That is, give an exercise and benefits. To do this, you have to take some care of some things. The first thing you need to do is lie back on a mat. After that you have to keep both your legs straight. After this, in turn you lift each of your feet straight up to 90 degrees, touching your thumb with both your hands.
While doing this, you should be careful that your back is not tied anywhere. And as soon as you touch your toe, you have to release your breath. You have to do this at least 15-20 times.

3) Important points for DIET.

In order to reduce lower fat, it is also important to concentrate on diet along with exercise because reducing belly fat depends on eating 80 percent correctly. Micro nutrients, healthy and balanced diet in the diet with exercise. Also, avoid junk food, sugar and spicy food.

-::- Regular diet for weight lose

If you want to lose weight, then include garlic, onion, ginger, red chili, cabbage, tomato, cinnamon and mustard etc. in your diet. They are low in fat, which helps in reducing lower fat. Also, taking warm water in the morning with lemon juice and honey also reduces weight.

-::- Water for rid Lower belly fat :

Drinking plenty of water is very important in reducing fat. Drinking water also keeps the body healthy as it removes the toxic substances from the body. In this case, drink at least 8-10 glasses of water everyday.
Vitamin C has the ability to convert fat in the body into energy. It also blocks the stress-releasing hormone cortisol.

-::- Breakfast is important

Never skip breakfast in the morning. This increases bloating and keeps your body hungry, which causes belly fat. Eating food in a small proportion at some time is necessary for weight management.

We hope you find the article very helpful. You will practice this type of yogasana to lose weight and burn belly fat. Also be careful enough to eat.
The following items will be even more useful for you to Yoga practice and Exercise (Click Below Link)

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Meditation | Meditation for Beginners (Tips and Techniques) | How to Meditate - DAILY

Meditation | Meditation for Beginners (Tips and Techniques) | How to Meditate - DAILY

The practice of meditation in the nation of India has been going on since ancient times. Many techniques of meditation have been described in our religious books. How to meditate, the benefits of meditating, concentration of mind are described by many such techniques. Today, based on my knowledge and my research, I will try to tell you about meditation through this article. I will be happy to increase your knowledge about meditation.

Now a day everyone is aware of the name of meditation. TV, internet, phone everywhere will be forgotten to hear or read something about it. But despite its popularity, many people don't know what is real meditation! According to some people, meditation is a mental concentration, That means meditation takes place only in the concentration of your mind, some people think that meditation is done by those who need peace or satisfaction, those who want to stay away from the noise of the world.

These exercises are not really meditation. These are all alternative to meditation because it is usually very difficult for the common man to completely calm his mind or prevent many thoughts from coming to mind. In fact, meditation is a state of mindfulness without mind, without planning in advance. That is, you do not have to do anything separately for this. It is experienced automatically by being happy, getting the love of people around, etc.

In the beginning you can sometimes resort to some books to meditate well. Here, I would recommend some better books for meditation. The ones you can buy for yourself. (Click Below Link)

1) A Million Thoughts 

2) The Heartfulness Way:Heart-Based Meditations for Spiritual Transformation

3) On Meditation: Finding Infinite Bliss and Power Within

4) The Complete Book of Yoga : Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga

5) The Book of Secrets: 112 Meditations to Discover the Mystery Within 

Meditation | Meditation for Beginners (Tips and Techniques) | How to Meditate - DAILY

Friday, July 3, 2020

INSPIRATIONAL BOOKS | TOP 10 Inspirational & Motivational Books of all time for SELF HELP

In today's generation, I, you and all of us need to learn something new! Because we are all doing Struggle in our life and fighting with life to create our own identity in the world! In such a situation, we are often in a deep trough of despair! So at the time when no one helps us, good books help us at that time and anyway it is said that - "Books are man's best friend".
Life is changing every moment and it also expresses the possibilities of opportunity. Which will get you with every kind of situation. But the problem is that most people cannot see it - because they do not have awareness about it. Because of which there is turmoil in their lives and they become like the person who is riding a bike "without learning how it works" until we know that this life We will not be able to achieve anything better than how it works. But if we really want to improve our life then its easiest way is - reading books
When you read some good books and follow the things written in those books, then your life gradually starts changing magically.
I believe that a person should keep learning something every day and books are his easiest way.
#Best Life Changing Hindi Books
Here are some books I would like to recommend to you - who has been a Best Seller.

1) - जीत आपकीशिव खेड़ा (win yours - Shiv Kheda)

This book tells what common mistakes you make in life, due to which you have to repent. How to avoid those mistakes and how to improve your life by adopting some better things, this book has been told in the form of some stories and rules. 
It has been told that whatever we have today is the result of our habits! Meaning we are successful today, unsuccessful, happy or disappointed is all due to our Habits! This book describes which Habits successful people adopt!
I think this may be the first step to change in your life, so you should read this book first.
To buy this book from Amazon easily and at Fair Price |GET HERE : Jeet Aapki Hindi of You Can Win 

2) - 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

This book written by Jordan B Peterson, he provides twelve profound and practical principles for how to live a meaningful life, from setting your house in order before criticising others to comparing yourself to who you were yesterday, not someone else today. Happiness is a pointless goal, he shows us. Instead we must search for meaning, not for its own sake, but as a defence against the suffering that is intrinsic to our existence.
To buy this book from Amazon easily and at Fair Price |GET HERE : 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos 

3) - Rahasya - (Hindi)

The book is written by Rhonda Byrne, an Australian television writer and producer. In this book, she tells how in a simple way, how close to your dreams can you get from the Law of Attraction.
To buy this book from Amazon easily and at Fair Price |GET HERE : Rahasya  

AYURVEDA : Introduction & Principles of Ayurveda

  हिताहितं सुखं दुःखमायुस्तस्य हिताहितम्। मानं च तच्च यत्रोक्तमायुर्वेदः स उच्यते॥ हित आयु (जीवन के अनुकूल) , अहित आयु (जीवन के प्रतिकूल) , ...

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